Leona "Khei" Svitani

Just your average girl in an extraordinary world.


Gender: Cis femalePronouns: she/herIdentifies as: Hetero (with some exceptions)Race: Hyur (Mixed Heritage)Age: Early 40sHeight: 5' 2" (157.48cm)
(This can vary, however, due to alchemy mishaps)
Build: Thick but fitHair: short dark brown but grayingEyes: Deep gray-green (painfully Near-sighted)Family: UnknownOccupation: Adventurer, WoL?Contacts: Being a stranger in a strange land, Leona has yet to make any lasting contacts outside her training as a marauder. She does, however, claim to know a miqo'te by the name of Fyllo. This claim is currently unsubstantiated.


Only a select few are allowed to use her real name. To everyone else, she introduces herself as "Khei".Hailing from parts unknown, Leona find's herself flustered and confused quite often. As such she can get easily overwhelmed. At such times she will often lash out and wishes to be alone for a time.She presents herself as aloof and guarded although she craves friendship. Wheresoever she came from, she clearly shows emotional scars from a past she refuses to talk about. A past that has obviously made her cautious and distrustful.If one where to get close enough, they would see that Leona's skin is covered in scars. Some large, some small.


Not much is known about Leona. She arrived in Limsa Lominsa on a ship that had come from the New World but there was no record of her boarding it.
Some of the crew claimed that she appeared out of thin air during a storm at sea and that she muttered gibberish while unconscious that seemed to reference things not of this world.She acts rather strangely, clearly marking her as a foreigner to Eorzea but if questioned she merely shrugs and claims that where she's from, in the northern reaches of the New World, is vastly different from Eorzea.Her story thus far:
Upon finding herself in Limsa and knowing little about defending herself against the hostile wildlife of this strange new land, she took up the axe and has been studying and training with the Marauder's guild as well as training in archery when she finds herself in Gridania.
Becoming an accidental "WoL":
Having gotten caught up in helping others return to their own worlds on more than one occasion by beating up a primal, Leona has made a habit of beating up a primal every time she catches word of one being summoned in hopes that eventually she too can return home.
In doing so she got mixed up with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and has gotten far more than she bargained for. Though she lacks the echo and has no affinity for magic, she is immune to tempering. That alone has been enough to earn her the Warrior of Light label though she will never answer to it. She doesn't want fame or fortune. She just wants to go home.To be continued...

RP Hooks & Rumors

(By no means an extensive list. Just possible ideas)● Stranger in a Strange Land
Being a foreigner to Eorzea, Leona often struggles to get by. Currency, social etiquette, local customs, and more trip her up more often than not.
● Aetherial Anomaly
Those who are sensitive to it or are armed with various ways of seeing or measuring it, Leona's aether is incredibly dense yet it's also... off.
Even with such an abundance of aether, she has no affinity for magic. Her inability to manipulate aether in any way, shape, or form has lead many to believe she's actually Garlean. She, does not, however sport the third eye that pure blooded Garleans do.
● More to the Story
There's no doubt that Leona is a foreigner to Eorzea. If questioned, she will simply claim that she came from the northern most reaches of the New World. Most people accept this as a logical excuse for her ignorance. However, she never seems to recognize produce, objects, or even denizens that also hail from the New World.

RP Info

RP YaysWhile RP is not limited to the following, these are some of my favorite or preferred themes. This list is subject to change as my characters evolve.● Size Play
(Typically at 1/12 scale)
● Comical situations
● Character torture
(the uncomfortable or embarrassing kind)
● Slice of life with a twist
(typically slice of life with a fantastical twist)
● Light Adventure
RP Nays● Soap Opera Drama
● Horror
● Hardcore Gore
● Death
● Underage characters
● Bestiality
Mature/Adult RP● Just ask. I'm pretty flexible.
● F-list available upon request.

Contact Info

RP is available in game as well as via Discord or Telegram.● Discord - brnctkhei
● Telegram - @BrnctKhei
● Twitter - KheiLimeCat
● Toyhou.se - https://toyhou.se/BrnctKhei